That’s right. I am now one of the small but very fine bunch of contributors at BundesligaFanatic, one of the freshest and best football blogs available on the entire Interwebs. So when you get a few moments, step on by and have a look. There you will find writeups on the latest happenings in Deutschland, match reports, interviews – and an excellent selection of humour and history.
And this, liebe Fußballfreunden, is where I come in.
At this point I have contributed two articles, one a fairly light-hearted – but at its core fundamentally serious – piece on FC Bayern München’s brand-new away Trikot, and another slightly meatier piece on former Nationaltrainer Jupp Derwall – adapted from the original first published on this site.
There’s more stuff on its way, and I will try as best I can to provide a mix of humour and history – with perhaps a little dash of weirdness in the form of a potted history of an oddly-named club that could one have once been found languishing in the depths of the former DDR Bezirksliga Erfurt.
So like, link, share, enjoy… Und so weiter.